Practical Defense Solutions for Regular People


Who We Are

AXIOM DEFENSE SOLUTIONS is the culmination of the combined efforts of two defensive firearms teachers representing over 40 years of firearms training who recognized a deficiency in realistic, competent and accessible firearms training. Over those years we have developed specific views about the reality of personal defense. As John Steinbeck wrote: “The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.”

How We Are Different

The principle that we adhere to is that there is no such thing as “advanced” firearms training, only a mastery of the fundamentals. We absolutely refuse to teach theatrical or flashy methods. Everything that we teach has meaning and purpose. We teach students to win fights when the fight becomes unavoidable.

Because we are students first and foremost, we have sought the knowledge and guidance of the best in the industry. We then applied the knowledge gained and combined it with our own experience and philosophy to provide you with a refreshing and realistic training experience rarely found in today’s world.

What Is Important

We work diligently to develop the three things most critical for winning a fight: Marksmanship, Manipulation and Mindset. As a result, we seek to explain and develop these through a logical progression of skill development.

We start out teaching the basic requirements and build upon those skills as they develop within the individual student. Everything that you do will have real-world applications. Students need to understand the “why’s” as well as the “how’s”.

We welcome student of all experience levels. All that we ask that is you have a desire to learn, we will take it from there.

  Meet The Team

Chris Norville

Chris is a former police officer who spent 24 years with a large police department in Middle Tennessee. He served in patrol and as a firearms instructor. He spent years teaching the use of pistol, rifle, and shotgun, as well as the legal use of force. He also helped developed curriculum for an ever-expanding firearms training program.

Chris’s Bio

Chad Hershman

Richard (Chad) Hershman is a U.S. Marine and a career Police Officer. He joined the Marine Corps Reserve at the age of 17. Chad began his law enforcement career at 22, with a small rural department. He served in supervisory and instructor roles in both career paths and has extensive experience teaching a wide array of people.

Chad’s Bio

Mike Honaker

Mike is a former police officer. Mike has nearly a decade of Law Enforcement experience with assignments in Patrol, Fugitive Apprehension and Drug and Violent Crime Task Force. He was also part of his Departments Firearms Training Division as a Patrol Carbine Instructor. Mike has a passion for shooting and teaching as well as the outdoors

Mike’s Bio

Axiom Insights

Signal To Noise Ratio

So, you are suppressor curious, but do not know where to begin. What are they? What can they do? What don’t they do? What is the proper name? Where does[…]

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June 26, 2024 0

Pistol Performance Revisited

               All who partake in firearms training face limitations, the biggest two being money and time.  I can think of no higher compliment for an instructor than to train with[…]

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September 30, 2020 0

Mastering the Art of Instruction

Tom Givens of Rangemaster has been a professional firearms instructor for over four decades now.  The number of people Tom has trained to defend themselves with firearms is hard to[…]

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May 10, 2020 0

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    Middle Tennessee